06 November 2013

Ravenna Map

I'm going to take a brief interlude to talk a little about the world in which all of these characters inhabit.  Because I've been adding more and more locations (or rather, I've been naming them), I've had to start making new maps in so that I could better visualize the world that I'm creating.  Specifically I made a more detailed version of the peninsula of Ravenna in MSPaint, which let me assure the lot of you has come a long way since I was a kid.

As aforementioned, this is the peninsula of Ravenna, which you can get a better scope of what it looks like with the rest of the world here:  World Map

To the north of it lies the Straights of Duracalis, which leads from the sea that separates the world to the endless sea (tentative names).  The red lines separate different regions, mainly by their cultural grouping, and in part by their division within Erraman rule.  Technically they are descendant from Campic tribes, but took heavy influence from being ruled by the Ravennae, whose old borders are marked in orange.  At present, Errama has dominion (or an alliance) over Thaetium, Vescia, Campium, and as of recently, Taratas.

Here below are what notes I have to describe these different peoples and places.  You can see in a couple instances where I'm taking direct basis from historical peoples.

Campii- (Native tribes just south of Errama)
Erramae- Republican Roman peoples who have come by this point to have conquered the Ravennan peninsula, to include Molosseirosian Taratas. They have a long standing hatred of the Averrae and have previously warred with the Molosseirians, Phocadastians, and Elymians. They have a democratic republican oligarchy with a senate ruled by a noble class who debate on issues and give advice to magistrates that they elect among themselves. In addition, there is a common assembly in which the common citizen populous votes on issues as well. Note that not everyone is a citizen. Nobles include Vikas Valerius Taratas, Aelestros Horionus Ferrus, Catella Valeria Tarata, Daphne Horiona Ferra, Gnaeus Loftus Vexillus Majoris. Commoners include Cantice Didius Moechus, Pascius, Sentinus, Vetus.
Liturgiae- People living between Molosseiros and the Erramans. They are somewhat wild natured and smoke soothing herbs before going into battle.
Ravennae- (Old culture just north of Errama)
Taratoi- (Korinnesoi colonies)
Thaetii- (Italo-Celtic peoples on north tip of peninsula)
Vesciae- (Samnites?)

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