03 November 2013

Daphne 2.V

Well, apparently I messed up and moved about two paragraphs from the beginning of the latter half of the chapter, one whole with the beginning and end of two others, smacked into the ending section.  I have no idea how I did this, and was quite grateful that I hadn't accidentally deleted anything.  So here is the fixed beginning and end of the latter half of this chapter.

The sun had begun to sag by time that they had drawn near to the urban villa of Vikas, a friend of theirs that they’d had for quite some time. He was quite the socialite, and knew many of the important people in the city. He was also quite richer than they were, which certainly helped his position, and from a more notable noble family. Theirs, whilst not without repute, was not the most premier family in the city. They both liked the urban lifestyle better, and in a few years when they’d saved up more money, they planned on buying an urban villa themselves, and would have their country villa run itself as their source of income. It was nice living in the country, but it separated one from all of one’s friends.

By this point, they’d been there enough where they didn’t need to have a slave lead them from the city gates; they could find their own way. And as they drew up to the front doors her husband threw one leg over the horse and leapt down, then proceeding come over to her and help her from her own horse. She obviously could do it on her own and had done so countless times when he wasn’t around, but was this not a gentlemen’s duty? She certainly didn’t object.

He walked up to the giant, ornate doors and turned back to her with a smile, which she reciprocated, before banging three slow, deliberate knocks onto the door before taking a step back. Aelestros had maintained this notion that one should not stand too close to the door when someone answered it, but even though he’d explained why, perhaps more than once, she never quite understood. After not too terribly long, one of the great doors swung slowly inward to reveal a meek little old balding man in a black tunic. With almost a tremble to his voice, he bowed slightly and greeted them, “Lord Orionus. We expected you much earlier. I trust your journey did not contain any trouble?”

.  .  .

Her dress put on and hair braided intricately, her personal handmaiden, Doula, was setting to work on Daphne’s makeup when Catella walked into her bedroom. Without yet seeing her, Daphne heard from behind, “Oh darling, that I was unable to see you when you first came in! Come!” She swept towards Daphne and took her up from her seat by her hands and leaned in to give an exaggerated kiss towards each cheek, but making sure not to actually touch hercheeks or lips to anything, lest she ruin her makeup. “How have you been, darling?” Without giving a chance for response, she continued to talk, “You should really have my woman do your makeup; she’s clearly much more experienced.”

This resulted only a sigh under her slave’s breath and contemptuous state, which was surely ignored as she walked around to look at her vast collection of makeup on the table. Daphne herself rolled her eyes when she wasn’t looking, but said nothing. Catella either didn’t notice or didn’t seem to mind, instead continuing on, “I’ve recently gotten some fabulous blush made of red ochre, imported from the Nervae coast. I’ve also gotten some eye shadows, one made from saffron from Nukemaos, and some from lapis lazuli from Karakum, beyond the borders of the civilized world. It’s what I’m wearing now.” She turned to graciously display it for her.

After a moment of no further words, with a sigh on her lips she said, “Well then, I suppose I need to make sure that the slaves have everything ready for our dinner party. We’ve a fair number of guests of import to come, and I must make sure that we are to impress. Ta ta.” And with that having been said, she turned and exited the room, Daphne and her slave sharing a look. That look.

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