15 December 2013

Epander I

I'm really bad about consistency with this thing.  It all started off with me forgetting to update on day where I'd even prepared it such that I could update it from my phone whilst out for a social, but forgot all the same.  After that I was just lacking in my ability to remember things.  However, I reason that people actually do read these, so I might as well continue to post them up.  If for whatever misguided reason you're a loyal and devoted reader, I'll try not to lapse.  However, I may start putting up between each chapter non-fiction entries, either talking about background information about the world or just writing in general.  Without yet further adieu, I present to you the resumption of my blog, giving you the (real) first chapter of the book.

This was among the most beautiful moments of his life, and perhaps it was because of this great beauty that made it so sorrowful. He lay by the gentle bubbling of a brook, easing and melting away all of his worries, everything which he had to fear. Birds chirped and warbled in the distance, a harmonious symphony in their own right, trading refrains with one another in competing choruses. Where this not enough, his wife sat beside him, strumming her lyre to the tune of “Ode to Laoiphon”, recanting the departure of two lovers, one sacrificing himself in a journey to the underworld to bring back their son. The chords were almost haunting, but absolutely attractive in their accord.
He lay on his back in the soft moss, hands behind his head as he rest with his eyes closed, letting the resonance of sounds breath through him, to give him life, to give him this moment of splendor. They had left to come here before the sun had risen, and even just now as he opened his eyes it broke through the trees and gave a soft light on everything it touched. The flowers somehow were made to seem more fragile; his wife’s face softer and more fair, her hands more graceful as she ran them across the filaments of her lyre. He grinned at her, and could tell that it was a stupid sort of smile.
For a moment she was still entranced in her music, and he was able to look upon her face without her notice. She had great round eyes which were golden in colour, long dark eyelashes drawing you into them. Her face was tanned, somewhat rounded, with large, pronounced cheekbones and full lips. Her black hair was tied back behind her head, but still covering her ears. She was absolutely stunning, especially so now. He could lay here like this forever, listening to the hymns of the forest and her music both, gazing upon her face until they both were turned to stone by the gods forevermore, a testament to their devotion to one another.

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