12 March 2014

Cantice IV

If I do really well, I'll be three quarters the way finished with my first draft at the end of this month. If I don't do really well, I should still get there by the middle of April. I would expect the latter, as my schedule is going to be pretty busy for the next two weeks or so. Regardless, that will have me completed by the end of May, which is something that I'm pretty excited about. And after that? Months of editing. Oh joy.

“Of course, darling,” he responded with a smile. “Your husband shall attend the same banquet as we, but I secretly hope that it should be his last. What am I, left as just another dinner companion to sit and admire this divine beauty that lay before me?” He grinned the widest smile and suggested, “When you lie together on your couch for dinner, you must lie beside him with innocent expression, you must tap my foot and watch my most expressive features. We shall speak with our eyebrows alone! You may lay by him, but you must refuse him. Bid him to drink what he has mixed for you, and eat not that which has been touched by his mouth. Let him not touch your neck, nor engage your thigh with his own, nor your foot to his. Have your husband drink greedily, always adding more wine to his own vessel. He will receive kisses now, but the situation will arise where these kisses will belong only to me, only to their rightful owner.”

She returned her grin in response to him, hers just as big as his, she just as excited as he. He could tell by means of her eyes alone that she felt for him as he did for her. Her response was as such, “A situation may arise where we are able to engage one another, and indeed I plan on it. However, this is a party at his behest, filled with his friends, and making such public motions, however discreet, will be detected by unscrupulous and untrusting eyes, easily discerning our clever plot. No, Cantice. Remember that victory loves prudence, and just as in war, in love. If we do not act with discretion today, then there can be no tomorrow. You do want tomorrow to come, do you not?”

He felt a little bit crushed on the inside, but of course, as always her wisdom shone through and lit the way for a more reasonable decision than his hopelessly romantic notions. He was sure that she could see in his face as well, so he instantly brightened his expression and responded, “Of course, my love. Correct as always. Just know that not a moment shall pass on this eve where I am not casting lustful gazes in your direction, thinking of what is to come later between the two of us.”

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