27 October 2013

Daphne 2.III

So, I just finished helping out with a 48 gaming marathon on the N64 to raise money, and now I'm absolutely exhausted, and this is also why I'm updating this so late.  At any rate, I hope you all enjoy.

She thought that he was going to do something nice when he reached his arm out, but she should have known; it was a sneak attack. He reached behind her arm and went for the ribs to launch a devastating tickle-attack. She reared away from him with laughter, but then lunged downwards to grab down onto her horse’s neck. There was nothing on the horse except for a pillow and blanket, and so the only thing keeping her from falling off was the strength of her own thighs. Still hunched down atop her horse, with Aelestros laughing heartily at her, he shook one fist at him and hissed, “I should have suspected such treachery from the likes of you, villain! Alas, I shall escape your wretched grasp!”

She lifted herself up slightly and kicked her heels sharply into the haunches of her horse twice, and it started into a gallop. Not too long thereafter she looked back to see him chasing after her, with their personal slaves behind, and then the poor slaves they’d brought to protect them, horseless, running yet further back. But as she looked forward once more she saw that she was cresting a hill, and then what was beyond. It was Errama, they were there.

. . .

The sun had begun to sag by time that they had drawn near to the urban villa of Vikas, a friend of theirs that they’d had for quite some time. He was quite the socialite, and knew many of the important people in the city. He was also quite richer than they were, which certainly helped his position, and from a more notable noble family. Theirs, whilst not without repute, back. Aelestros had maintained this notion that one should not stand too close to the door when someone answered it, but even though he’d explained why, perhaps more than once, she never quite understood. After not too terribly long, one of the great doors swung slowly inward to reveal a meek little old balding man in a black tunic. With almost a tremble to his voice, he bowed slightly and greeted them, “Lord Orionus. We expected you much earlier. I trust your journey did not contain any trouble?”

Aelestros turned his head over his shoulder back towards her and with a straight face and cocked eyebrow replied, “No, our journey was made in due time. We just had a bit of trouble getting out of the old homestead.” How passive-aggressive. She would have to hold this against him later. He turned back towards the aging slave and inquired, “We’re in need of being refreshed after our journey. If you would show us to a room in which we may do so, and then inform your master of our arrival?”

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