23 October 2013

Daphne 2.II

So, since I've made that last post, this chapter is no longer the first one.  I moved another one before it because I think it would make a more powerful impression.  That being said, I still like this one.  It's neat-o peachy keen.  Also, changed the name of the character Vivica to Kalliste.  I'm likely also to change the name of Vikas.  Excepting Talos, that would be all of the characters who I had written on bursts of inspiration before I compiled them into a single corpus of work, and gave them distinct cultures.

The first thing that he had said to her after since they’d left this morning. Naturally, it wasn’t to apologize for keeping a cold shoulder or being impatient with her; he knew what he was getting into when he married her. Naturally, it was because he had something to say. She looked over at where he was pointing. There were a couple of small fuzzy animals, sort of a like small deer or goats. She had no idea what they were, and thus retorted, “Why don’t you tell me, dear?”

He was sure to be excited at the chance to explain something, he always was. Fortunately, she thought it was cute, and it was one of the things that she liked about him. Instantly his face lit up in excitement, as she expected, a smile widening his face and giving birth to dimples upon his cheeks. He had lighter skin, coupled with blonde hair and blues eyes, signifying his northern ancestry, but despite that his family had lived here for some time, he was still naturally tanner than either of his parents. Aelestros explained excitedly to her, motioning with both hands, “It’s a chamois. It’s like a goat, and they mainly only live up in the mountains. It’s unusual to see them so far down and near the coast. I think I’ve only seen them once before.” He paused for a moment before postulating, “I wonder what they’re doing down here?”

She just shrugged, but he wasn’t even looking. It was a reflexive action. She didn’t really care about the goats, or whatever they were. They just sort of stood there by the trees a bit off, staring at them with unblinking eyes. She just wanted to run up to them and scare them all off, but that would take effort. Much better to merely sit upon the horse and continue down the road, clearly. A little bit passed before she realized that she never responded, so hurriedly spout out the first thing that came to mind, “It’s probably on some great goat journey, after their parents had been killed by the evil ibis, and now they’re here for revenge.”

He slowed his horse down to come back beside her, so that they were riding as close as they feasibly could have. Gazing lovingly at her face, he gently said, “And that’s why I love you. There’s simply no one else like you, and no one else that will do.” His eyes bled with sincerity as he reached over towards her. Her face was glowing.

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