09 January 2014

Epander V

Apologies, I went away and was entirely occupied by participating in a marathon of gaming for 72 hours to raise money for charity, where I was one of the commentators, and was out of town and had no access to my computer for the last three updates.  Today, I'm just really late and have no excuse.  Better late than never, I suppose.  Being gone and away from home for so long also means that I've really fallen behind on my writing.  My goal was to get to 42500 words this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it.  I'll just have to really pull myself up by the bootstraps and just get it done.  (This mosaic is of a sad woman.)

He opened his eyes to see her already gazing back up at him and quickly shifted his gaze from one eye to the other, she doing the same, both their eyes twitching back and forth. He could not but help to close his eyes and lay down a third kiss upon her lips, pressing heavily into them, his eyes still yet a dam on the verge of overflowing. How could he be such a fool? Everything that he could ever have wanted lay here beneath him, her body adjoined to his very own. No. No, he had to tell himself. He could not let his beating heart stop him, could not let it overtake him, as much as he should want it to be able to. His ideal was greater than his heart, it was greater than him, it was greater than them both. Still, how lovely her lips felt.

As he drew himself away once more his jaw began to shudder as his hands shook beyond his control. Tears which had walled themselves up within his eyes freed themselves and poured down upon her own face below. She almost laughed, but it was a laugh stuck in her very own throat as tears streamed down from either eyes. She was crying, yet she was laughing at him for doing the very same.

His voice was caught in his throat, but he mustered all the will that he may to whimper down unto her, “I’m so sorry.” He tried to say it again and a third time but even as he mouthed it the words would not produce, refusing to exit in such sorrow as he was held.

She bit her lip in what seemed almost as a laugh, but what he could really tell was an attempt to swallow her own sorrow. “I know” she said. This made him scoffingly laugh but only weep more deeply before she continued, “But I love you. I love you more than anything. I wish for nothing more than that you might stay with me, but I am resigned to your departure, for I know that you must leave for reasons greater than either of us.” These words meant everything to him, yet nothing at the same time. It was doubtful that anything could be done to abate his grief at this time. “Just go. Just go now and do what is requisite of you. I shall endure as I always have, but never forget me, for know that I shall never forget you.”

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